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.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

26 July, 2006

sayonara dear!

my ugly face while crying

sze n ju

courtesy pics by chee how

dydee n ju

make a wish..make a wish..

group pic

~sista forever~ =)


chee how's jumbo watch

muAcKsSs MuAcKsSs


candid shot

my dear ju has left..i kept thinking bout it wif tears since last nite..many of us send her off last nite..sigh,tears comin out when we're on da way to KLIA but i tried to control..dun wan them to laugh at me..din manage to get her something coz i'm bz wif assign..dear,i promise u dat i'll spend u when u come back rite..sure u'll miss da food in msia..after check-in their luggage, we went to mcD n chit-chat..take pics..hav lotsa fun wif all of them..til da time ju n her parents hav to go on board,da saddest time has arrived..i cant control myself especially when i hug her..only dydee n me were crying..ju hug each n everyone of us..her fren took a video clip of us..me dumb face while crying is damn ugly..they kept force her to cry but she didnt as she said its veli suffering to cry in da plane..at last,they hav to go..we chased them all da way til da end where we could view da planes..sayonara ju..study hard & take care ya..try to cope wif their cultures n lifestyle..we'll pray hard for u..our teeth are ready for u to examine when u're back..=) miss u n love ya lots dearie..come back soon ya..

da link for da video clip taken in KLIA..cant upload in youtube coz da file too big..

ANGELS EXIST but some times, since they don't all have wings, we call them FRIENDS.

posted by yiNz aT 9:57 PM | 3 mUaCkS~

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