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.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

27 September, 2006

cruel, crazy ,creepy

we were told that one of the suspect had confessed..he admitted that they killed choo mia and explained the whole story..sob..
all of us were damn shock with the way they murdered him..
before this, we were all praying that he's alive and come back to us..but..haihz..

these bastards tied him up, cover his face using the brown tape (forgot the name for it)..8 layers man..and a plastic bag..who the hell can survive with it..of cause he was suffocated..and he has asthma..
felt creepy and shudder after i heard it and when it came to my mind..

they even took his money and have steamboat after that..wat the hell man..are they celebrating that they've become a murderer?
they sms-ed his dad to ask for 100k ransom although mia is dead..and claimed that he's alive and safe..
oh god..they're totally crazy and insane..they have no brain and heart at all..
i have no idea what were they thinking while they commit murder..

mia even borrow money to them when they face difficulties..
asked his parents to rent his old hse to them with very cheap rental..
where's their heart..they're even worst than animals..

sigh, what we can do rite now is stay dtrong and pray for him..
try to help out his parents and family to get over it..
hopefully we can help out and do something for him..
he's a nice person..he'll go to heaven and rest in peace..
i'm sure that he'll get his justice soon..

at the same time, another fren was injured while 4 indians broke into his hse during midnight..
he locked his door but they managed to break into his room..
his hand was injured by their knife..no idea what type of knife..
he has to undergo operation and his dad has stitches on his head too..

oh god, i really hav no idea what had happened to our world..
whats the point of being a developed country and have a wealthy lifestyle while our life are in danger at anytime..

may god bless us..pls do not let it happens again..
its painful to lose our family and friends..
once is enough..i couldnt bear with it anymore..

posted by yiNz aT 2:28 AM | 1 mUaCkS~

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