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25 September, 2006

may u rest in peace, choo mia

sigh...juz got a worst ever news..
my primary-secondary fren was kidnaped n killed!!!
we were so shocked n couldnt accept it..
was praying so hard that its not his body..

even though they cant recognise his body because he was dumped beside the road for many days d..
but they were 90% sure thats his body by recognising some of his stuff..
the dna report will be out tomorrow..

sigh..why on earth ppl are so cruel to do all dis shtts..why why why..
like wat shou ren said..ppl are capable of the worst ever things..
history teacher used to say zaman sekarang adalah zaman tak bertamadun (uncivilized)..
bloody cruel CHINESE (CHINA) bastards..
and they're his classmates and tenant of his house..wtf man..

he's sucha nice person n down to earth..
others wouldnt know his rich except his frens..
the last time i seen him was few months back..sigh..

MONEY is da devil dat drives them to commit crime..
money drives ppl to do stupid things..
money drives ppl to act like another person..eg. ass kisser..backstabber..two-face..
money drives ppl to do watever that they shouldnt n lost their beloved n family..
money drives ppl to KIDNAP & KILL..

argh..juz get da bloody money n fcuk off lar..why do u wanna kill him..
they even took his shirt off..curled him in a foetal position and stuffed him with black plastic..oh god..
they'll serve their right soon!

haihz..life is so fragile..
and we wouldnt know wat will happen to us, our beloved n ppl beside us at anytime..
my frens..pls be very careful and take good care of yourself..
just try our best to protect ourselves..

sigh, will send my deepest condolences to his family..
all of us will pray for him..

may u rest in peace choo mia..you're always in our heart..=)

posted by yiNz aT 12:51 AM | 2 mUaCkS~

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