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yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
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.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

03 October, 2006

back to the hectic life..

at last i got my hair cut today..
everytime i wanna cut my hair, da salon (diff salon) sure either close or not open yet..
hav to go back for da 2nd time..even 3rd time =_="

phewww presented marketing today..
didnt wanna present but jason, alex, mel they all persuaded n gave me moral support..
thanks peeps..feel so lucky n happie to hav sucha nice frens..

poor wee havin high fever n kat is so worried bout him..
finals comin d..hopefully he'll get well soon..
may God bless him..

went cabana after class then alex teman me to da salon..
so sweetttt..thx again =)
asked da stylist for advices n trust him dat it'll turn out pretty nice..
hmmm i dunno wats my comment but its pretty good than my expectation..
if not, it'll wasted his effort & 1 and a half hr time..
was wondering when is he finishing but at least he wont rush n simply cut..
sumore he tot i got class..i said can go in late..heheheh..*notty notty*

felt sry coz yun n hamster came later n waited for me..
bbyun movin to hostel d..=((
purposely skip lec to hang out wif her..
we watched Rob-b-hood..its superb funny man..
there's something dat irritates us during da movie n make us laugh like mad..
somebody kept farting for like 20mins or more!!!
we hav no idea where da odour came fr where but we hav to cover our nose..
hamster said he used his mouth to breath..lolz..
oh gosh..pls dun be dat self-fish..
go out n settle ur stomach lar..
ruin our mood saja..
but still we hav so much fun juz now..
we'll never forget bout dis incident..
smelly cinema ever..


captured da "highlight" of da talk..
but..wat is he trying to do?

know y only half of ur face appeared?
coz my cam doesnt like u..bwahahahah..=D

luv dis pic =)

tak tau aim baik-baik punya hamster..lolz..


Aquaria & KLCC

we juz got da news bout mia at that time..
marilyn doesnt wanna stay at home and try to cheer up so we decided to follow andy to klcc coz he's attending an interview at aquaria..
dumbo said dun feel like working after da interview..wasting time only..big =_="
mr shou ren sprained his ankle so hav to walk slower than usual..

shawn & andy
dis 2 dumbo-s juz fooling around on da way to klcc from aquaria =_="

yummmyyy haagen-dazs..

yin&marilyn (lyn)

adores these specs..
belongs to MR.ZY & MR.SR..

Zhun Weing's farewell@salmon

blur face but he's future doc..
dun play play ar..=p

MR Zhun Weing flying to Moscow..

watched DOA@pyramid

dumbo andy
never fail to amuse us wif his "creative" kononya but lame jokes/ideas..


soh lou at da back (he's not dat tall neither we're dat short =p)
loveee da colour..

sHoUrEn & yUn


bubbly Kai Xuan

bb Kai Xuan's 1th bUrFdAy

posted by yiNz aT 11:14 PM | 2 mUaCkS~

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