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KhAi LeE
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xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

12 October, 2006

finals =(

finals are freaking near d..
i juz finished one sub..rephrase: almost finish
been stucked wif econs for few days d..
lots more to study but there's not much time left..
work harder plssss..

seems like everybody havin a tough time now..
even bbyun is facing some probs now..
why we always face similar probs at the same time..
we're sooo close til havin period and probs around the same time..
like wat she said..
we always go through da same pathway of life at the same time..

sigh, at da moment i heard her voice..
it makes me feel like tearing too..
poor baby..
i really dun wanna see u in pain anymore..
why muz u go through this again n again..
all the challenges during these few years were too much..
how could she bear it all alone..
and now..
she's alone there without us by her side..
how i wish we could go through the tough times together..
hopefully everything goes well soon..

see u soon dear..
a big squishy hug n kisses for her..and others as well..=)
gd luck and may God bless all of us..

act da curry lala didnt heal my soar throat..
can say dat it worsen da condition..
cough joined flu n soar throat to celebrate this "superb" nice weather..
"ringan sama dijinjing, berat sama dipikul"
sry kinda random recently..
affected by mel? kat? =p

and i found out something..
i've been aggresive while talking lately..
straightaway bomb them..especially when they bully me n kat..
if alls aka alison is ere, bwahahha..sure damn noisy d..
guess i've been "trained" by alex, adam, jason..n lots more..
thank them for da excellent training..
dumbo jason kept mention bout da handcuffs thingy..
muz bang him more in blog d..r-e-v-e-n-g-e
he complained dat kat kept bang him in her blog..
lolz =D

hav to take medicine d..

headache..feels like rubbing my eyes all da while..
body starts aching again..no fever plssss..
its torturing..
or else i cant study well..
finals!!! SCARY!!!

dun play play man..
nitezZzz..ciaoz peeps..

ps: adam, u're veli lucky dat they didnt tow ur car..
unlike alex..poor boy..
nway, thx for da ride =)

posted by yiNz aT 11:44 PM | 5 mUaCkS~

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