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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

26 November, 2006

MeL's 19tH

HaPpY 19th bUrFdAy to meL dear!
hmm we had known each other since primary..secondary til now..
though we're not close at dat time..
but glad to hav dis sweetie as my fren

we celebrated her bday at Zen last nite
bout 16 of us
surprise her wif cake n pressie..
overall we had fun chit-chatting n camwhoring (its a MUST-DO)
dumbo wee intro his "celebrity" frens to us
sean da PAUL, justin TERBALIK (timberlake) & josh da GROBAN
he called himself Enrique Iglesias =_="
so Kat is Anna Kornikova..hehehhe
but Kat chose to be wif Cina Beng (ah Hoong,wee's twin bro) =D
he intro me wif something dat makes me wanna whack him..forgot wat it is..
then he changed it to small but strong..
hmm pretty true lolz..so i can protect my gfs mah, right?

we were told bout their langkawi trip
somebody got drunk n did some silly stuff..lolz..
cant wait to watch da video..
pics will be uploaded soon *peace*

sry bout da blur pics

gUrL rULeZ

~joey, siu & yin~

bUrFdAy gUrL meL

heheheh..pity him hav to bend down



like dis pic

candid shot



mel & joey
love da interior design

my sayangs~

mr vain joined us


dirt on da mirror makes alex's face looked blur

my 2 ji-muis


dO rE mI


joSh dA gRoBaN *cough* & eDwIn

gaNgSta wif babe

my only pic wif kat

they look sweet

darlin siu & yin

posted by yiNz aT 11:38 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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