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yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
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.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

19 December, 2006

monkeeS paint da town reD

went kl for photo shoot yesterday
wif alex, shaun, samuel, adam, alls, adelyn & nessa
to help alex's dad for his tourism thingy
2007 ~ Tahun Melawat Msia yoO

we were like tourists goin around KL,
pretty fun though, lolz
mainly bcoz of da ppl around
pity mr driver coz we were too noisy
guess he never met sucha bunch of monkeeS fr overseas
other than dat, we hav a "GOOD" tour guide dat snoring on da way back
too bad we din manage to take a group pic
except those pics we took wif da banner =/

this is wat we'll do when we stuck in da jam!

mOo moO, eLePhAnT & cAmeL
*singing* Let's gO to da zOo

shAuN da GiraFfe

stucked in da tunnel
blur coz zoomed to da max d

china pek holding da fan

wanted to camwhore in front of dis glass
but a hippo pop out in a sudden
sumore post for da cam
SWEAT betul..and our mr driver came so couldnt take pics
all thanks to our beloved oRaNgE hIpPo

mR tOuR gUiDe

we went shopping while looking for food
heheheh, it's juz simply irresistable, rite gurls?

we bought da same shirt but diff colour
mine white (love whiteee) n hers reD!

mirror again

snowmaN & christmas tree (below) @Regent

KL pLaZa

met alicia hottie at 1u on sun nite..
last seen her at mia's funeral but din get to talk to her
getting prettier n prettier d..
short hair suits her man

posted by yiNz aT 10:28 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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