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.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

22 December, 2006

yEaH yeAh!
u might think i'm nuts
yes, i had my hair cut, again
yes, AGAIN!
but i couldnt describe how i feel bout it
da 1st thing i said to da hair stylish after he was done
"it (da shape) looks like strawberry"

tute was cancelled n hav to delay our test n everything
as usual, we went to student centre
adam moo moo, evan, jeff, mich & andrew always play foos after class
pity evan da nice guy
adam, andrew & jeff were laughing & teasing bout evan's foosing skill dat day
DAMN MEAN LOR! read dis, adam!
i laughed as well but dats bcoz of jeff's contagious laughter, like a bomb man
cant stand it man..

heheheh..its pretty fun to hang out wif them too lar..
but they influenced me to foos again lar..
sifu lar mR mOo moO kept bomb me bout my failure in foos
lazy to explain ere but i'm back NOW!
i scored a few times juz now
he said i can blog bout dis, lolz
so, dun look down on me d oh

went cats whiskers before hair cut
met kelly n frens there too
i'm in wif a top & dress
so niceeee
but hav to alter if i'm buying dat dress
needs mum to check it out for me
aiks, shopping list is longer than my height =/

bz talking to mr vAiN aka aNdy

bbyun's turn to popek wif mr vAin

posted by yiNz aT 9:54 PM | 2 mUaCkS~

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