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.dReAmY tALk ~

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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

20 January, 2007



mirror everywhere

adelyn =)

last nite alls/sern they all planned to eat bah kut teh today
however, small boy Mic went to spore,
mOo moO repaired his car so he was stuck shopping alone in pyramid
ended up only aaron, shaun, adelyn, alls n me
aaron n i were late due to some reasons
so sern n shaun went "ta pao" coz it always sold out early
da famous stall, under da bridge was closed

later, we hav nth else to do n where to go
when we talked bout Ikea, alls n me were so excited n felt like goin there
but others refused coz its kinda weird
we love to shop there despite da fact dat i juz been there a few times
by da time we really out of idea, it was 2pm d
somebody suggested da Cuve
i wanna check out some stuff over there as well
and there's BORDERS!
even though Curve is so da b-o-r-i-n-g!
bought another 3 books,
hav to save more to get other books n shopping =/
poor adelyn has to pack her stuff
coz she's goin back to nz
her class has started earlier
so she couldnt join us =(


guess andy is kinda bored
suddenly asked to go yum char
however, da smartie/dumbo did da funniest stupiak thing
he went to uni instead of my hse
to pick me up, lol
he called n asked me to walk out
i was pretty curious coz there's no car outside my hse
so i called him juz in case he went to da wong hse
hahahha, act smart lar..
simply assume dat i'm in uni

later, we went to yee leng's hse cz nel was in penang & she's free
dat lazy bum always say da same thing
"give me ?? min, i feel veli comfortable"
afte he sat down confortably
hav to force him to move

back to oldtown kopitiam
used to go there quite often wif gold fish, nel ,andy they all
after dropping leng home, we hav no place to go
coz da rain was so heavy
so we stopped at da road side near my hse
juz talk bout everything
fr relationship to jokes, quizes..
andy's gd in lame stuff n jokes


hApPiE bUrStDaY tO mY daRLiNg dYdEe ~

my sweetiE

posted by yiNz aT 3:14 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

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