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oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

22 April, 2007

its 4 am but i still dun feel like Zzzz
guess da coffee is working "its" ass off, heheheh
see, my plan to tune back my Zzzz hr failed
dark circles n eye bags will not leave me d
tsk tsk tsk...
haihz, parents have been nagging bout my bed time too

now my freedom has gone to its grave as well
mum will be at home everyday fr now =/
she said i muz wake up earlier,latest by 10 =(

was suppose to yum char wif marilyn dear & andy da vain pot
but dat dumb fella tot marilyn cancelled da plan
in fact, we changed fr breakfast to lunch
fineeee... enjoy wif his frens lorrrr

guess wat,
i had my hair cut again today, =p
some of them will be sayin "wat? huh? again?"
heheheh..told u i get bored of my hair super duper fast
but then there's not much changes ler
coz my hair is still short
am waiting for my hair to grow
guess its out of shape d so i need a fresher look =D
hmM if i continue cutting, i'll get bald
well, i still dun hav da courage =p

pics picS picsSs...

dis shows that i hav no potential for modelling, muahahhha

hui's doggie "ahem"

funny kakak

how come we're not in da middle of da pic?

as u can see, we had so much fun today
laughing non-stop, all thanks to hui's kakak =D
da usual 3 of us will definitely "spice" up da atmosphere too =p
da hairstylish, Mudin came to hui's hse
hui's cousin sis, yun, me, hui, kakak & hui's mum allowed him to do his "magic"
even he couldnt stand kakak's bubblings
mayb kakak hits on him, lolz
let da pics to do da talkings =)

later at nite,
yun & i makan @ leo's cafe
met robbee before we left
superb blur him looked @_@ when we called him
then we headed to starbucks which is juz right behind of it
sofa seats were occupied =(
reminds me bout da days we studied there
da snacks & scents were so temptinggggg
jason reached not long after we settled down
in da few hrs, we only discussed law for like quarter of da time
as expected =p
coz we bz camwhoring,
he bz checking PROBABILITY (not assign but soccer yO!)
ps: not "probality" (cited fr our b & e stats lecturer, lolz)
sAucEy jason noticed my haircut
hahahah he has always been our consultant =p
gives us lotsa ideas..recommendations..

awwww their frapuccino java chip,mocha,lollipops.. are thumbs up
makes me feel like goin there everyday
it simply makes me feel like heaven *easily contented*

so called chicken salad
thumbs down =/

posted by yiNz aT 4:00 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

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