.dReAmS ~

tRaVeL around tHe wOrLd & own a dReAm hOuSe by tHe seAside

.dReAmLaNdS ~

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aLLs aka MiZ oRaNgE
anDReW fOos aDdiCt
bEn MiOw
cHeRi LeOnG
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eRiCa LiL gUrL
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pOh E
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V mInG
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sZe AccessoRieS (blog)
sZe AccessoRieS
wEe wAnG wAnG
zHeN hAn
a Whiff of Lemongrass
Babe in the City
KampungbOy CitygaL
Ky eatS
dAwN yAnG
jOcYe kInKybLuEfAiRy
KhAi LeE
PiNk iS tHe nEw bLoG
xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

March 2006
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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

27 April, 2007

this thought came to my mind in a sudden
why do i feel down when ppl say i'm fat?
but chillin' when they tease me bout my shortness?

there's this psychotic old b**** behind my hse
is so annoying & insane
always scold her maid for no reason
sometimes i can hear her voice early in da morning
she has changed uncountable maids
who can ever stand dat old blardy witch
pity all of them
kakak should feel grateful n lucky that she didnt meet sucha psychotic boss

hahahahha =D

i rem seeing dis precious moment in train
on da way back fr pc fair
it was bout 9+ n da train was pretty full
i saw these japanese mother wif a daughter and son
standing at da door
poor mummy is pregnant and nobody offer her their seat
feel like shouting can they stand up and let dis lady sit
gosh where's their courtesy man

guess wat
her son was so lovely that he held his mum tightly so that she wont fall
i was so touched at that moment
i was waiting for da lady/guy in front of me to leave then let her take da seat
so da lady left at one of da station
so happen da guy next to me held his hand out to call da pregnant lady
when i was about to call her too
thank god there's still human gentlemen in dis world, hahahha
she kept saying thank you
she's sweet n her kids are adorable =)

Your Scholastic Strength Is Innovating

You are the master of new ideas, techniques, and ways of looking at things.
You are talented at structuring thoughts, decision making, clarifying, and making deadlines.

You should major in:

Cognitive Science

da reason i did this is to find out wat major i should take
coz i feel like changing my acc major
i'm lost in it
it is so true n accurate
its wat i wanted to do
except for cognitive science n econs
a BIG nono
sigh...should i?
or shouldnt change?

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posted by yiNz aT 10:46 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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