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.dReAmY tALk ~

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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

24 April, 2007

YeaR oF OiNkZ

wondering why the title of dis post is YEAR of OINKZ?!?
u'll know after u scroll down =p
WARNING: u might laugh ur arse off, lolz

we went bbyun's hse after class
popek-popek for awhile at da booth
then checked out da pink piggy speaker sooo cute..
i cant take my eyes of it
i've seen it in pyramid but i guess da pig put a spell on me
"Come yin, i'm cute, take me home!", lolz
see lar, i'm still considering

soh poh yun couldnt hear her door bell
made us waited n called few times =D
oh gosh, i couldnt stop laughing thinking of wat we did
heheheh pics will do da talkings
craZeEe us laughing non-stop (7 sis always laugh non-stop lolz)
they juz made my day =)

PIC OF THE DAY!!! hehehehhe

watch model wannabe muahahahha

casting, =D

there is a superb small pc fair held at foyer
so happen simon was there too
we were suppose to meet up
no wonder he told me dat he had to go for a fair thingy
dumbo him din tell me its sunway
anyway he's here, even nearer =D
hahahha my bottle is still wif him
coz i forgot to bring it back after pc fair
heheh i helped him when customers asked bout logitech =p
and oso disturb & bug him since he's boring, hahahah

went starbucks to discuss law again last nite
met yenli & boy there too
starbucks is promoting World Earth Day
so we can bring back some plants
but we didnt take it
coz i wan flower not leaves, only =p

i was bored while waiting for jason to discuss
so...snap SNAP sNaP lor =D

"Heyz wasSup, I'm Paul Frank
Let me introduce my fren to u"

Paul: "oh gosh, u're sucha famous celeb (refering to da flashes =p), aren't you Mickey?" *chuckles*
Mickey: "well, i guess i would hav to admit that. You juz hav to get used to it *ouch*,
perhaps u'll be like me one day. Anyway, thanks for bringing me here =)"

u can juz ignore my craps, hahahha

dun be FOOLED by his innocent look


tataZzzz =)

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posted by yiNz aT 9:30 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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