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sZe AccessoRieS
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a Whiff of Lemongrass
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Ky eatS
dAwN yAnG
jOcYe kInKybLuEfAiRy
KhAi LeE
PiNk iS tHe nEw bLoG
xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

09 May, 2007

hApPie bUrStdAy to MuMmY dEaR!!!

one yr older d but u're still looking young as always =p
all da best in ur business and hope everything goes well
live healthily and happie always =)
LoVe yA!! =p

we had dinner at dis restaurant called
i think they sort of imitate da HK Jumbo
coz their logo is oso a big ship
but the food there are pretty good
cod fish, seafood platter, egg yolk prawn, shark fin...
was bz eating hence didnt take pics

pink is open again, yaYy
ben n edwin were debating bout transfer to aussie
tsk tsk tsk..
both have their gd reasons
but it was so hilarious listening to them =D

hahhaha i met dis guy chi/chee loong? in uni yesterday
we were shocked when we met
he asked whether i'm from pc fair
i asked him back too coz he was wearing spec so cant really recognise himhe also knows ah hoong, wee they all,
another klang kaki coz they speak Hokkien =_="
he was selling Sony cam in pc fair
right in front of my booth
wat a small world man
he's taking IM too but i didnt see him before
he looks mature so i tot he's working, lolz

da twins look damn alike rite now
mayb coz ah hoong's hair is similar to wee's
guess they hav da same hairstylish, lolz

everybody is so bz wif their assignments
its cracking our brain
not much time left for revision
work hard, GAMBATEH neh! =)

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.
Anthony J.D'Angelo, Author to the College Blue Book.

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posted by yiNz aT 11:40 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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