.dReAmS ~

tRaVeL around tHe wOrLd & own a dReAm hOuSe by tHe seAside

.dReAmLaNdS ~

dEaRiE dYdEe*
dEaRiE jU*
dEaRiE hUi*
dEaRiE zHi*
dEaRiE sZe*
dEaRiE bByUn*
aArOn kHoO
aDaM sEpEt MoO mOo
aLeX hIpPo LiEw
aLLs aka MiZ oRaNgE
anDReW fOos aDdiCt
bEn MiOw
cHeRi LeOnG
EiLeeN sEe
eRiCa LiL gUrL
jOsepH jOe
hAmMiE wEi
jEaN eE
jeFF aZraAi
jeSsLyn tAn
JiMmY pEnGuIn kOr
jOaChiM yAp
JoaNne kOh
JoEy sWeEtIe
JoLeNe LaI
JuLiA hOtTiE
bAbY KaT
kELLy Loh
kELLy tEy
bLuR bLuR MeL
KiWi micHeLLe
meLanie tAn
mIcHeLLe mUn
MiCh gOrGeOuS
aH pEk RiCh uNcLe KaYa
pOh E
ShEnGsTeR dInOsAuR wAnNaBe
SeAn oOi
SeRenE oNg
sOtOnG kEnG yAo
sUchitRa hottiE
Su Lin
Su Wen
V mInG
yOonG darLinG
sZe AccessoRieS (blog)
sZe AccessoRieS
wEe wAnG wAnG
zHeN hAn
a Whiff of Lemongrass
Babe in the City
KampungbOy CitygaL
Ky eatS
dAwN yAnG
jOcYe kInKybLuEfAiRy
KhAi LeE
PiNk iS tHe nEw bLoG
xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

March 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
August 2007
November 2007
December 2007
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February 2008
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July 2010
July 2011

.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

16 May, 2007

hehehehhe we had a wonderful lunch time today@ pink
da topic was on WHY MEN LOVE BITCHES
yeah i know its dat topic again
coz they were talking bout Battle of the Sexes
so happened my book was there

IM lec is boring as usual
many ppl absent

some rushing for IB, i guess

i came across dis website bout topless sandals
only available in philippines =/
its creative
but then i will feel one kind when i wear it, perhaps
u can check it out

Estranged ~ Itu Kamu

Segala yang ku pasti akan aku capai tuk mengambil hati mu
Melepasi angkasa cinta ku
Sesudah aku melafazkan kesemua yang diperlu
Ianya seperti suluhan yang terang

Segala yang kau ragui akan ku padam habis dari hati mu
Mengingkari dalaman akal mu
Takkan puas ku, mengiringi semua tawa dan tangisan mu,
Anggun wajahmu, pelita yg terang

Hatiku mahu mu
Rupa mu
Masih masih masih masih…

Kau terindah
Masih ada
Yang tercantik
Itu Kamu

Tiada mengapa taupun sampai bila kerna cinta enggan kenal mengalah
Memanah masuk hatiku yang reti
Setelah kau nampak tetap ku masih menunjukkan erti hidupku
Yang mahu bersama kau buat selamanya…

Lyrics source: Jiwang.org

always heard dis song in fly fm
but cant get its title
so decided to find out in fly's web
and yes, i found it =)
i was surprise when i saw da VJ Andy is da drummer for dis band
i tot its somebody who looks like him
but i google seach and turned out its him

posted by yiNz aT 2:30 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

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