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.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

20 May, 2007

i'm weird
i feel better or can even say nth after i woke up dis morning
i dunno why i felt so stress last nite
but dun care lar, life has to move on rite

at least i'm not too stress or panic rite now

went skinny kat's hse to do MYOB
we were supposed to discuss n do together
but ended up *ahem* =p

however da figures are so diff than mine & m.yang's
so we decided to use mine

later, we went digital mall
but couldnt find much nice laptops

its superb sien and small
we dropped by to visit cheryl n simon

forgot to take pics wif them =/
we planned to go flea market but then
da sky doesnt allow us to go
so went back to skinny's hse
and wait for s.hong to pick me up
coz we were goin to his sis hse to see Bb!! yaYy!!

bb was Zzzz when we reached
but i couldnt stop playing & take pics wif him
hehehhe he muz be wondering
'why dis gurl keeps taking pics wif me =_=" ' =D
wat to do i love to play wif kids
yaYyy sydnee n bb jayden comin back next week too *joy*
we went pasar malam after dinner

gosh i havent start my report yet
out for da whole day, tired n sleepy Zzz
juz look for definitions first lar
since i know wat to wite for da 1500 words =p

picS picS picSss

i found skinny's devil stick so i syok sendiri =p


cutieeee bb wai jiannnnnn =p

i like dis pic da most =)

posted by yiNz aT 1:29 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

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