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.dReAmY tALk ~

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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

04 May, 2007

skipped law tute yesterday
coz i'm tired n brian skipping as well
so happen ady asked whether i need a lift or not
hence...we headed to ss15
coz i was craving for "tong shui" (dessert)
yeah i know im notty n "wai sek"
as i always say,

i juz couldnt & NEVER EVER resist FOOD =p

joanne missed acc b tute
so only kat n me, like last week
heheheh we were giggling again
but miss didnt question us dis time, luckily
soh poh kat kept bugging me to go aussie
if jacket loose then i'll hav reason to hunt for a new one
bill on u ar kat...lolZ
jason gave khai yeing a veli cute key chain bear
so sweetttt
soh poh kat took pic wif da bear

yeah, we camwhore in da loo. lolz

kakak goin back d dis sun
so sad...
parents and all said u're lucky & blissful to hav maid to serve u for da past 15 yrs
i'm not pampered or wat
but juz feel sad
she has been working wif us for almost 6 yrs
if not for her blardy $$ relatives
guess she wont go back so soon
but pity her children as well ler

hav to do hse work..
so tiring...
and studies are killing
pls kill me...

posted by yiNz aT 11:16 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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