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a Whiff of Lemongrass
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Ky eatS
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jOcYe kInKybLuEfAiRy
KhAi LeE
PiNk iS tHe nEw bLoG
xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

13 May, 2007

went IM lec today
only 10-15 students, as expected =D

we had been good k,
we paid attention but became restless
when da hall was getting freazy & da clock ticking at 12+
guess wat, we camwhore during break, normal lar =p

later, we car pool mich's car to pyramid

coz we wanna "relax" abit
afte handing in few assign, left acc B =(

soh poh kat induced me to go Kim Gary
but she herself didnt order food, only her fav milo
i wanna SMACK u d sOh poH kattttttt
i hav no idea why many of them like to go KG when we're in pyramid
but then baked cheese fish fillet is so yummyyyyy *drool*
and kat's ice blended milo is niceeeee too

yummyyyyy *slurps*

we were curious coz ppl were staring at us as if we're aliens =_="
i hate it!?!
da gurls n guys next to us turned around to look at my book (my baby =p)
yeah its veli eye-catching =)
gurls, listen n trust me,
u should get a copy of dis
i wont reveal much but wat was written inside
happened to most of us
she analysed da issues, probs & scenarios precisely
if u wanna play ur card right,
refer to dis book, kudos yO miss Argov =p

it makes me change my mindset
and boost up my confidence
sometimes i feel like relationship is juz like fishing
u have to pull back once awhile...
hmmm act its pretty tough to follow everything dat she suggested
nvm, we'll fight for it
BITCH or NICE GURL, choose one
i hope i can be in between =p
but being a bitch is much happier, carefree..perhaps =)

guys will definitely say why do gurls like to read dis kind of books
but who cares
its not for them wurt rite =p

recent purchase =)

after eating, we went back to my hse

we looked back at our CPU mag
it brings back lotsa memories back to us
but its so funny when i look back at my kiddy face back then
my fringe was horrible, hehehhe
haihz, i miss those days so muchhhh

hmm act kat n i were fr same course (CPU)
but then we didnt talk to each other
we juz knew each other existed, weird & wth rite?
hahhaha we cant stop laughing when we think bout it
i guess we never expect to be dis close back then
hehehhe fated, wtf? sounds so lesbo
yeah dats wat alex said
we're becoming lesbo d, heheheh

so, we started our nail session at nite
bz painting, tying hair & not forgeting camwhoring
guys sure shake head "mou gan tai" =p

BEWARE: soH pOhS aLeRt

katZ new naiL aRt
yinZ old naiL aRt

dumbo andy dropped by at 11+

he was MIA for quite some time
we were quite worried n curious, dumb fella
sometimes its fun to talk to him but sometimes not
he likes to bully me, kick me..
so violent & not gentleman
but i used to it d lar

we can talk bout many things,
however, i couldnt stand dis wacko's weird thinking & behaviour at times
he's pretty vain, high self-esteem or over confident
somehow its a gd thing coz he'll encourage u to be confident,
his words did convinced me, boost up my confidence level
especially after i read my baby book, so gambateh gurl!
yun might be laughing her ass off when she sees this, heheheh
coz we cant stand his craps most of da times =D

he ASKED me to take pics of him

oHhhh its 2 am d

HaPpY MuMmY's dAy
to mUmmY deaR, gRandMa & all mothers in da world

you all have been wondeful,
raise me up wif love and cares
i love u all as always
pls dun leave me soon
i cant bear wif anybody leaving dis world
i rather i'm the one who leave first
i guess i'm being selfish here =p
but i dun wan anything to happen to them
anyway i hope everybody lives healthily
hav a great day ahead =)

it has been a week since kakak left
hmm but i felt like she had left us for like 1 month?
kinda miss her too lar =p

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posted by yiNz aT 2:45 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

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