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17 May, 2007

when can i get rid of assignment

went uni to discuss acc B assign yesterday
da weather was so cooling, so nice to sleep
i always miss da opportunity to sleep in sucha nice weather =/
joanne overslept, hehehhe
kat, kok wee n ming yang n i started da discussion first
discussion plus chit-chatting plus stalking high skool magS
so funny lar looking back at our old skool days =D

kat n i went to comp lab after lunch
oH we got our result for acc B assign 1
i was so shocked & surprised when i found it
i quickly asked kat to come over coz i couldnt believe it
its extremely good man
i'm not saying i'm gd or wat but
i juz cant believe, including kat
we never expect and think dat we could ever get sucha NICE figure
but many ppl did scored well for it ler

we attended mich's IM tute today

da ONLY ang moh in our IM was there too

but i'm not interested lar, lolz
later, we had lunch @ orange together
yeah orange reopened
ming yang n his fren (sry dunno how to spell) joined us as well

something stewpit happened
i ordered JUST TEA, i asked da waiter wat colour (flavours) they hav
but he couldnt answer me
ok fine..
i tot he knows wat is JUST TEA or at least get me da right can drink
so i ordered orange/red
he brought me a cup of tea instead of a CAN DRINK
ok fine..
i tot its iced lemon tea so doesnt matter lar
but u know wat
it was so bitterrrrr
i dunno wat da hell is dat
then he said its jasmine tea
damnnn jasmine tea is nice only when its hot
i asked him to add lemon
wait n wait n wait...
he came back w/out lemon
he said da fella doesnt allow him to add
coz it is not supposed to hav lemon in it
juz pay lor..wat to do
unlucky me =/

anothe stewpit thing happened to me yesterday too
but dis is my fault lar
a LESSON for me
i like to slip money in my purse coz i lazy to open it
i forgot bout it until late evening
i guess i drop it when i was paying @ pink, in da afternoon
haihz..50 bucks leh
sure sad for awhile ler
but then i know i wont get it back ler
get over it d..
hopefully whoever who picked it up would use it for a gd deed
or it could help he/she in something

back to orange
poor mich ordered milk butter chic
but after waiting for 40 mins,
da guy brought something which is not milk butter chic
and u know da workers there are not locals
so its hard to COMMUNICATE wif them man
at last she has to cancel it n go back to cafeteria
coz she has class in another 15 mins,
poor gurl..

kat n i went to comp lab after lunch
we tried to do our acc B n check out he accomodation
yeahhh she's leaving
i'll miss her more o otherwise? heheheh
lesbo lesbo =p
we were bored so asked ming yang to go yum char
4 of us cant even make up our mind where to go
keep pushing each other, lolz
so ended up settled @ asia
as usual lor, laughters, lame jokes, chit-chat
kat n i NEVER stop laughing & mocking each other
forgot bout camwhoring in asia
but we took pics in his car coz kat found a cute pillow =p
but then we hav to run in when it started to rain
so heavy dat we couldnt run back to our car
hence waited til its drizzling
met julia, kelly they all who were bz doin assign in starbucks

was figuring out myob da whole nite
its 5+ in da morning d
da system is soOo troublesome
it seems easy but until u really work on it,
it makes ur head spin @_@
but then u feel so semangat when u find out da right ways
i dun feel like Zzzz but then got class later
gd luck to us man *fingers crossed*


posted by yiNz aT 5:24 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

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