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a Whiff of Lemongrass
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Ky eatS
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jOcYe kInKybLuEfAiRy
KhAi LeE
PiNk iS tHe nEw bLoG
xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

22 November, 2007

met up wif adam mOo moO, at last :)
thanks for da cute koala bear tee :P
went to uni to settle summer stuff
brought him around campus (u're gonna stuck in this place soon :D)
yaYyyy he's taking e-buss too ~havoc havoc~

heheheh i "pao" his ipod, since he's not using :P
yeah i'm BANDARAYA lolz
but, he's so outdated (in terms of songS)
he's listening to lotsa jazz, oldies, trance and songs which i NEVER heard in my life

some msians in peninsula claimed that they gonna be jakun
no wonder many of them are moving out fr frankston, LOLz
good luck to evan man :P

whoa, the speaker (for iPod) that we saw today cost a bomb weyyy
*click* JBL RADIAL MICRO (Black)
adam tot its cheap when i said 138, wif a zero :P
its real nice but no $$$

went to kim gary, again :P
i know he's sick of western food
and i havent spend him for his bday, hehehhe
i hav to refresh his brain bout last summer -_-"
ming ton notty notty went there wif a pretty gurl huh :D

i asked him to teach me poker (lee jojo is another pro too)
many ppl are so into poker man
he n zhen han always play poker in aussie (coz peninsula is boRingGggg :D)
he still remb i'm a failure in foos which is not true at all!!!
this sifu so mean huh

alvin really came down juz for jogging :P
thought of 1 lap of warm up
but end up walked 5-6 laps
coz we were popek-ing, hahahahhaha

then found a place to sit and continue

he let me drive back to my hse
err and i accelerate when the traffic light turned yellow
(shd i say i learned this fr my dad?shhhhh :P)
dun worry, i looked around and make sure that there's no dumbo who couldnt wait for the light to turn green and vroOooom!!!
and if i slam the brake, i scared alvin will *bang* the windshield
hahahahahah jkjk :D
it suprised him -_-"
its not a rare scene but obviously not the right thing to do lar


Kat - Baby Rice (self-proclaimed -_-") :P
Joanne - Slim Rice
Ren jiun - Big Rice (the actual Rice family member)
Yang - Fatty Rice
Alvin - Huge Rice (the actual Rice family member)

ahahahhaha alvin and i are trying to design our RICE teeS
yeah, we're superb free :P
we shall design a nice one and walk around 1u heheheh

pics we took yesterday

us without hui shan, pearly & khai

mana u tengok ah poh?

sZe, kAt & yiN

us & joanne

hahahahha silly us...
ask me if u wanna know more :P

hahahahahah i'm not supposed to reveal the reason why kat wanna take pic in front of this shop

us in fitting room again :D

she looks nice *envy envy*

*faint* =/

the type of dress she's looking for

met up wif lil kim yesterday
miss that silly gurl lotsSs :P
she asked wat happened to me
hMm she & adam said i lost weight
but dun think so wor
perhaps, i gained weight before/duing exam?

dun care...

no matter i'm chubby, plum or fat,
i'll still be
smally yiNz, rite? :)

sobsob :(
i shall work soon
so i wouldnt feel that bad/guilty if i hav to turn down outingS

posted by yiNz aT 10:59 PM | 2 mUaCkS~

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