23 November, 2007
some darlings arent having a good time.. seeing them facing probs but couldnt help much or be there physically makes me feel so helpless.. but i'll definitely give them all my moral supports and encouragements :) a smiling face doesnt always mean a smiling heart
no matter how happy a person is, there is still moments when he/she is feeling down but he/she doesnt shows it in front of others because they wouldnt want them to worry perhaps, they'll just express it out to their closed ones..or someone who truly understand their feelings..
sometimes i hate myself from being so sensitive, easily triggered i dont wanna be that weak but the truth always surprises me.. makes me realised i am not as strong as what i think i am after all but i'm still learning, building my own defense..as the saying goes by "love yourself before you love others"if you dont love yourself, how do you love others?i wish i know the way.. i hope i'm prepared before the day comes by..be strong :)
posted by yiNz aT 10:51 PM