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.dReAmY tALk ~

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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

25 December, 2007

exhausted lar...
only few hours of sleep then hav to drag myself up
coz went to 1u wif family...Zzzzzz...

i nearly stayed at home coz when sleepy bug stays on me,
i wont feel like doin anything including shop or eat
BUT SLEEP!!! Zzzzzz...

luckily i managed to get some stuff home
or else my day will be wasted :P

christmas eve

cheong k @ Neway, jaya square
my first time there after they renovated?
some of the facilities & service are much better than redbox

the craZeee peeps are
alex yip, jia hong, keljin, sze yoong, yee kuan, suzanne, ju & me
pics will do the talking :P

christmas countdown @ curve at nite

the crowd was O-M-G
thats why i was lazy to go out
hav to admit i'm old already @_@

thanks aaron the bald rice (i still cant find a nicer one for u :P) for the ride
macho wey~ when he's in singlet lolz
i guess nobody dare to kidnap/bully/rob me if they saw him, :P

tgif is very good in conning ppl's $$
the christmas meal is so pricey!!!
though its a business tactic but it'll lose customer like me, hahahahahha

everybody started spraying the white foam? when we were about to leave
smelly wey!!!!
luckily it wasnt that jam by the time we left

chill @ boss' crib before heading home
mC d'S fries yaYyy!

posted by yiNz aT 11:33 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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