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.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

20 December, 2007

i think i hav problem with water today =/

first of all, my sis didnt tighten my water bottle
so the water spilled without me knowing until i almost reached uni
3/4 of the water gone, bout 500ml
my pants were all wet (thank god its black), same goes to my sweater -_-"

the guard was laughing when we were entering, pai seh wey
and then gotta sit inside da air-cond room for 2 hours+ =/

then kept spilling water while drinking =S

luckily jeff was so kind that he fetch me home to change
then dropped us at auntie june, thanks :)
BUT, he kept teasing all the way
"yinyin wets her pants" -_-"
even try to open the window and shout it all, dumbo JEFF!!!!!

suprisingly auntie june was pretty empty, which is a rare scene to me
usually we gotta wait for at least 30mins to 1 hour for our food
anyway, it was nice talking to chin zhen, ex-primary skoolmate
act we have never talked to each other before, hahahahah
wat to do i was juz a small potato back in primary :P
but we hav mutual frens
and subang ppl, very easy to get along wan rite :P
thanks to mr andrew for da ride too
and mr t.m.y, THANKS for all da teasingS :)

hMm i guess today is a pretty good day to meet ppl ahhahahah
coz usually its either i dun meet anybody in asia (mayb small potatoes lar :P)
or met beeS of frens, lolz
thumbs up, coz i can meet up with them at one time heheheheh

had lunch with adam, mich, brian, zhen han, chun en & da baby (-_-")
yaYyy back to the day where we'll hang out after class (last summer)
then spotted monkeeS ppl all around
met sotong, ah pek eyes kwan lim, alex yip, yee kuan, kheng wei, reuben ribena, wei choung..

at last, andy, nel'c (ur hairstyle =/), yee foong & kingsley came fr auntie june
*shake head* andy oh andy-> disaster
u'll hav a free show to watch when both of us are under one roof though there wasnt any roof :D

poor wei choung kena dragged to asia club by andy while dota-ing :D
met chee how too!!!
miss dat "da boh"(guy in hokkien) since he called me "char boh" (lady in hokkien) :P
bz bz fella, wat to do he's only back for 3 weeks
more catch up on da next outing :) cheoNg K~

i think friendster birthday update confused lotsa ppl
hahahahah kar hoe & labiq wished me like 1 week in advance?
lolz, damn funny wey :P
but thanks for the wishes guys :)

posted by yiNz aT 3:18 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

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