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.dReAmY tALk ~

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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

22 December, 2007

somebody ruined my day early morning
u're juz showing how WELL-MANNERED u are with all the vulgar words
luckily i was pissed for awhile and not the whole day (not gonna let u ruin my day)
couldnt give a damn bout it anymore

sorry babe i couldnt make it for today
will see ya soon alright :)
thanks for being so understanding *hugS*

I am legend is pretty good despite it is a tad short
besides, there's this annoying fella who kept ah eE oO oHh
and kept saying wats goin on in da movie
i think he was explaining to the gf and she kept asking why like that? blah blah blah...

as quoted fr kat, edited version hahahahhaha
"so kiang (smart in hokkien), be the director lar stu!"

plSsss dun be so selfish man, keep it low and between u two lar
i seriously cant stop laughing when i heard his dramatic voice
pity our 2 frens who sat in front of them, hehehehhe

btw, my brain wasnt sot plug or wat
i was hyper though i shouldnt (coz i'm still sick =/)
errr for no apparent reason? hehehehehheh

BUT, dun call me nutS :P

toNg yuEn, here i come! :)

ps: wats gonna happen on 27th??!
event cant be missed? u sure? :P
shd i or shdnt i look forward for that day? heheheheh

posted by yiNz aT 1:37 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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