.dReAmS ~

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dEaRiE sZe*
dEaRiE bByUn*
aArOn kHoO
aDaM sEpEt MoO mOo
aLeX hIpPo LiEw
aLLs aka MiZ oRaNgE
anDReW fOos aDdiCt
bEn MiOw
cHeRi LeOnG
EiLeeN sEe
eRiCa LiL gUrL
jOsepH jOe
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mIcHeLLe mUn
MiCh gOrGeOuS
aH pEk RiCh uNcLe KaYa
pOh E
ShEnGsTeR dInOsAuR wAnNaBe
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V mInG
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sZe AccessoRieS
wEe wAnG wAnG
zHeN hAn
a Whiff of Lemongrass
Babe in the City
KampungbOy CitygaL
Ky eatS
dAwN yAnG
jOcYe kInKybLuEfAiRy
KhAi LeE
PiNk iS tHe nEw bLoG
xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

27 December, 2007

.surprise buRfdaY dinner.

from all my darlingS *hugS & kisseS*
gosh, i was so shocked and speechless
breath in breath out..phewww..

ps: sorry for being late, err i wasnt told to be there earlier

thanks a million peeps,
i would like to express my gratitute to everyone :)

all ur efforts are being appreciated and kept in my heart :)

especially the planner, SOO WEI SAN whom managed to surprise me :P
candle light dinner wif her became a surprise dinner
hahahahha, the surprise nearly bocor :D
not forgetting YUN sweetie :)

for those who couldnt make it, we'll meet up some day k? :)

i'm sorry dear mummy & daddy for not celebrating with u all
thought we could celebrate on other day coz both u will be tired after work
u know i still love u all lots rite *heart* :)
and thanks for the pressie, love it ler, its so useful heheh

jane, congrats to u for ur great result, 7As
though its better than mine :P

so happie to see all of u had fun with each other, and ME!
thanks for all the pressies, love it :)
and thanks for allowing me to be the KING of the day
u know lar, i can only escape from the prison once a yr heheheh

even busy bee like yen kok wee so bei min (give face)
but didnt forget to bring his teasings and vain pot-ness along :P

anyway, we had a fabulous time @ sushi zanmai *thumbs up*
food and the ambience
too bad the table is loooooong and i cant talk to everyone

then headed to OldTaste Coffee? @ taipan
mr aaron teh already booked by his frens
but jason weng weng came by after dinner, heheheh

gosh, i really feel like i'm DREAMING~
this is so not true!!!!
were i slumbering in my dreamland or reality?? hehehehhe
*pinch pinch* ouchHhh..it hurts :P

besides that, thanks for all the sweet & touching post in ur blog dearieS
i'm so touched and grateful to have known u people

words couldnt describe my feelings literally

in short,
i hav NO REGRETS KNOWING ALL OF U!!! :) *heart*

pls pls plssss stop reminding me that i'm 20, old enuff
i know i'm adorable *puke then faint* ~as quoted fr ms S.W.S~
but dun hav to welcome me to the club :P

last but not least,
hAppY 20tH to mE :P

pics will be up soon, patience :)

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posted by yiNz aT 1:43 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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