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KhAi LeE
PiNk iS tHe nEw bLoG
xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

13 December, 2007

what a "hectic" day

summer started :(
after 1 month of slacking

mr gan, our ex-marketing tutor --> e-buss lecturer & tutor (gettin' lamer -_-")
lucky me managed to change my tute to earlier class :)
but presentation will be held in lec :( *shiver*

anyway, we met up wif erica dear, finally :)

thanks to her mummy dear for giving us a ride

u should see kat's reaction the moment she saw MNG sales
i hav to stop her and say its only for members, members, members! :D

at last, we decided to try Friendster Cafe after countless of (head) scratching
coz i havent tried the one in damansara perdana, jakun! :D
there's all sort of mags like hypertune, T3, cleo, seventeen etc

they're also having opening promotion where we can get 30% discount & free coffee/tea
cOffeE, tEa or mE? :P
hahahhahaha ignore my LAMENESS!!!!

later on, headed to ss14 tanjung to meet up with kar hoe
he's leaving to UK next month :(
had a good time talking to him after so loooooong
another yc session k? :P

next --> yc session wif meng tern
guess wat,
dydee & m.tern told me we're heading to Friendster Cafe after i entered his car
i was like Errrr...okayyyy.. hahahhahahahahaha
poor sZe waited for half an hour, not my fault :P

it was so cooling and da music fr Rainforest is rockin' my chair :D
we played Uno Stacko, so exciting man
luckily the music is blasting or else very pai seh man shout so loud
pics will do the talking :)

the waitress took a pic of us so they'll post it up on their website or Guest PhotoWall
menu, promotions can be found in their site

*click* Friendster Cafe & Restaurant

meng tern went to indon recently and visited marshie!!! (missin' u gurl)
she bought some layer cake for him
and he purposely brought it for us to try, quite yuMmy :)
thanks ya :P

am feeling dizzy @_@
and had some sort of diarrhea =/

posted by yiNz aT 4:40 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

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