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jOcYe kInKybLuEfAiRy
KhAi LeE
PiNk iS tHe nEw bLoG
xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

29 March, 2007

My celebrity look-alikes



heheh go try it out
dun think that i'm so free,
i juz came across dis web n decided to find out how FUN it is
it juz makes me LOLz!!!
dun smack me for not putting up ur pic ya heheh =)


posted by yiNz aT 2:24 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

28 March, 2007

27.3.07 ~ Japanese Kitchen Ogawa @ Taipan

the food is very very nice there but kinda pricey
if somebody hires me as photographer for food related mag/newspaper,
i would snatch da job
so u'll see a 80kg smallz yin at that time, lolz
however, i'm on da way d
coz mr ADY kept asking me to eat like i might die of hunger hehehhe..
dis evening, we ate dinner, tong sui & lecka-lecka (ice cream)
superb filling so didnt plan to eat da japanese food
but i would not forgive myself if i hadnt eat it,
it'll be a BIG regret man =D
as da cantonese saying goes "sek tak zhao hai fook" (eating is a blessing, i guess)
i'm actually veli happie bout it coz i LOVE food
thats why i couldnt resist most of da time
but u know lar, i'm so short d,
if i grow fatter, i'll become HUMPTY DUMPTY! lolx

hopefully it would cause ur salive to drip n makes u feel like goin there
hahahha i'm EVIL!!
but we were bz eating so only few dishes were captured

this is superb nice..wif fresh shrimp YUMMY!!

another one was swimming in my stomach d =p

some sort of salad chicken..deliciouS

ady & jun boon

yin & yee yiing
teachers always confused wif our name coz it sounds alike


da waiter wasnt dat good in taking photo but thanks! =)
i think they should decorate o hang a pic on the wall

24.3.07 ~ pyramid & bangsar

hehehhe my BELOVED Bosco Wong *wink*

we're takin pic wif him, SATISFIED *syok sendiri*

KisSes LOLz

dis cute lil boy kept looking at us
guess he was wondering wat were we doin, hahahha
yun said he looks like shin chan, do u think so? =D

see, he's following us

so cuteEeee

like dis top but havent get it yet
wait for meeeee

hahah like industrial worker
she's too skinny for it

mirrorrrrr =p

guess where were we?
shhhhh..u'll be laughing at us when u find out

lagoon view

didnt know she was capturing non-stop
chik-chak chik-chak chik-chak

multi-shot 16
diff fr previous one

our all time interest --> UGLIFY ourselves =p

yun, yin & yong
oOooo yYy..a new movie for xXx, wth? =D

i know we camwhored alottttt
wat to do, its our PART TIME JOB hehehhe
21.3.07 ~ Cats Whiskers SALES!

my kiddy top
US or european brand thats why i can fit into it, muahahahha
some might think i shouldnt be happie bout dis,
but who careS =p
so many kiddy clothes are much nicer than ours =/

kat n wee bZ hunting

while waiting

kiddy face =/

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posted by yiNz aT 10:42 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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