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.dReAmY tALk ~

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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

16 January, 2008

lack of Zzzz...
stayed in z.han's place til 1am last nite
then the hungry monsterS wanna eat indon mee -_-"
by the time i reached home, its already 2+

luckily managed to enter hse coz i didnt bring hse keys :P

our slumber style~ working/discussing assign while having fun at the same time, lolz
adam gotta meet his mum at gardens after our dinner,
we decided to walk around mid v too :P

and guess wat,
we had an "adventurous" moment walking to a "secret passage", lolz

guided by our daring babe, mich :P
and ended up with Rendition in front of us hehehhehe
then headed to brewball for foos to wait for mOo moO

gosh, the nite view of KL is soOooo nice
i'm so quite in love with it
zhen han, gimmer ur condo pls? hehehehhe
besides that, i like to walk around bukit bintang around evening and nite time
its so windy...breezy...

anyway, had my late brunch @ kim gary today (yeah, kim gary again..)
ppl around me are never enuff of kim gary :P
bumped into marshie in uni :P
so she n her fren joined us as well
so coincidently, her fren, alex knows mich they all (foosers)
wat a small world man
joanne & yang joined us later on

the gang went to asia (again) without me cOz i need my beauty sleep lolz
but din get to sleep much =/

aiks, i hate driving around housing area in subang
the street light is either very dim or spoiled
so blardy dark..

posted by yiNz aT 11:17 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

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