.dReAmS ~

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bEn MiOw
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a Whiff of Lemongrass
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Ky eatS
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jOcYe kInKybLuEfAiRy
KhAi LeE
PiNk iS tHe nEw bLoG
xAnDrIa oOi
yAsMiN tHe sToRyTeLLeR
oLd mULtIpLy

.dReAmS iN tHe pAsT ~

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.dReAmY tALk ~

.cReDiTs ~

layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

30 September, 2008

oral test (viva) was bad..
i can only hope for a pass which i doubt bout it
wasnt nervous n ques seems pretty easy
but the brain juz couldnt pick out all the info

but mkt planning is awaiting me rite now *sobsob*
why lar why...

we went to times square last fri to check out the Sony cRazEe skinny T launch
tot there wasnt any queue/crowd but mana tau..
there were at least 20-30 peeps sitting around the entrance
the reason being..it goes from $8 to $888,
how could anybody resist the temptation of such gimmick
but..think wisely, the time u spend over there..is priceless :P

take a look at the pics *click*

so we headed to jln alor for F O O D :P
and i went swimming wif the two funny dudeS yest, silly incident ROFL
i'll update the pics other time k heheheh

am so sleepy rite now..
waiting for yc session...

Selamat Hari Raya peeps : )

banyak early lar raya ini heheheh, enjoy ur hol!
sigh, i missed the Ramadhan bazaar, foOD! : (

ps: i nearly - wanted to chop my hair HAHAHAH

posted by yiNz aT 8:52 PM | 1 mUaCkS~

28 September, 2008

i'm so sick of ppl's nonsense..
especially those who say things that are not constructive
but demotivates u even though they might not have the intention to say that
or they're juz making fun of u...

besides that,
people tend to judge the book by its cover
we do that at times, unintentionally
some of them do not realised what the consequence could be
well, the society does hold some responsibilities for it...

i wouldnt care much but just ignore it..
what can i do..what can i say..
nothing can change their perception / mindset anyway..
whats the point of explaining..debating..

ignorance...will do its job

posted by yiNz aT 9:26 PM | 2 mUaCkS~

25 September, 2008

gosh, oral test in another 2 hours time
i'm not well prepared AT ALL!
why am i always so chillax?
its scary wey...

but i reckon i'm gonna be so nervous later..
facing the panels and a video cam! so stu..
thank god its marketing and not accounting..if not GG-ied :/

yes i'm loving my new toy hehehheh : )
so do my darl chicaS <3

posted by yiNz aT 1:10 PM | 0 mUaCkS~

23 September, 2008


i wonder who will be the first to notice this post, which comes after ages : )

yes, i've abandoned it for a long time..

am sucha lazy person to update...

moreover, i hav nth interesting to update :P

lil updates during the period..

i. i'm now miles apart with my other half, heartache
farewells again and again.. :'(
i miss everybody...especially my darlingS

ii. hair grew longer?

but i'm getting bored of it..Zzzz..

iii. third yr subs..tougher..especially marketing planning : (
torture fr monash as usual?

iv. many ppl have turned 21..so do i in few months time
getting older, becoming wiser? but more responsibilities as well?

v. makan tripS.. tried many nice n sucky food :/
but couldnt explore much right now due to assignm..exams..presentations..

wat else..

i'm having
STML at times..
and it seems to get worse everyday..

but no worries darlings, i'll never forget u all <3 style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">


there are so many things running in my mind...

posted by yiNz aT 8:01 PM | 5 mUaCkS~

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