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.dReAmY tALk ~

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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

07 November, 2008

i'm done!!! yAyyy,,
the happiest last day (of exam) i ever had in monash, i think
partly becoz the paper wasnt as tough as last yr's paper
pls dun fail man, or else i'll juz commit suicide man hehehhehe
hmMm..kinda worry bout other sub though
but then...its time to HAVE FUN and worry bout that later :P
i've been waiting for this day for a loooooonng time man

i reckon my brain was a lil tension throughout this period
and now, it has loosen up abit but here comes migraine -_-"
the exam atmosphere and tension really cracks us up
and fattens me!!! although not much food trip this time round

but this
revision camp requires lotsa food inputs to generates the brain
it makes me miss home, especially my bed!!! *sleep deprived*
i shall rest n have enuff of my warmy home *hibernate*
then "scratch" my hands and legs
@ da malls : P

anyway, tried this pork noodles @ taman bahagia, very near to the lrt station
however, i prefer the pork ball noodle we had in usj that day
today's is so oily and...i dun like liver!

raNdom RANDOM randOm...lalalalalala
wat da heck, my phone is associated wif BOND! -_-"
well, no interested to watch it though hahahhaha
stewpiak han ming n yan hoe tried to tempt us to watch QoS:007 after their
treasury paper when we were battling wif performance,
hmph, no scare wif our strong will power
but then, it's da sub which scares us...
nevermind, its OVER!-!

all my series n novels, here i come!!!!!! : ) : ) : )

pls shoo the haggard-ness away, Zzzz...

posted by yiNz aT 7:34 PM | 1 mUaCkS~

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