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layout ~ jiMmY LaM k0r

04 December, 2008

thougths are flying...

sry for the lack of update..
blogging drains all my energy n kills my brain cells wahahahaha
dun bother checking out any updates in my blog, weird huh

back to EL again this hol...after nearly 2 yrs..
same friendly & lovely peeps...but some unknown-unfriendly peeps..
anyhow there's something bout the company which makes me stay although the pay is not desirable, transportation get a tad troublesome at times (remb my rant on ktm?)..could be a tad boring at times..
well, *optimism* it cant be that bad since midV is juz a few stepS away..though nth to shop there

at the same time, i'm helping FJ Ben too
during the FJB warehouse sales,
i could see how crazee these ppl could go (although i couldnt resists the temptation too)
its a pretty good buy but ur $$$ goes negative when u see lotsa cheap stuffs
bout 2.6k peeps on the 1st day (frens & family) and 2nd day by invitation
but apparently the figure was much lower than previous ones, recession ar..
well, i couldnt imagine the crowd during the 2 open-to-public-days
the staffs are so pitiful.. *pat*

and i got to know this lovely darling Samantha,
which happen to be my cousin's ex-primary & secondary classmate
i enjoyed working wif them,
Cindy, Sam, Jeanine, Adeline, Brian, Leong n some of them whom i dunno their name..
they're really nice n i was pretty well taken care of..
gonna see them again next week..wHeeeEe : )

anyway, work @ EL today is not that bad
simple task & lunchie wif LaMer peepS - frEeee
oh yeah, one thing bout working there now is...
bobbi brown's marketing missy has the same name as ME!!! tell me wats da odds man..
i try not to answer when they're calling yin yin.. coz we're in da same room..
thats why Lil Kim made wrong calls n text in da past..only twice lar hehehhe

on the way to hunt for dinner,
met David @ M shop (its blardy exp & owned by Melium, dun be fooled by its name!)
and Sherman wif ahem...
so settled with Fong Lye, my second visit.. muz give it a try
especially their sweet potato balls, where bOss (mR B) & uncLe thOo (mR C) kept making fun of me
and fried chicken..lazy to comment bout others..

and i have NEVER laughed this much since a period of time..as most of u know my laughing gas struck anytime..
the after effect fr last nite? was the alcohol still stays in me since last nite?!?
i couldnt have any sleep even wif 5 hours left, thanks to da stewpit alcohol
"THANKS" ELLE & LANEY!!! the last min drinking session, wiLd but we had fun :P
luckily i'm still able to work..probably the alco has kept me awake
i reckon i might be a pig in da cinema but it proved me wrong : D

it was our first time in GSC signature
unlike mister kaya aDam mOo moO
Twilight, is really good..
something diff fr the usual lovey dovey love story despite the suspense and kena potong parts -_-"

but...i felt a tad of sadness in that movie..
could it have been the movie? or ?...

ps: i'm saved, i dun have to delay my studies again
although i'm kinda afraid of future working life

posted by yiNz aT 2:34 AM | 0 mUaCkS~

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